= Translate all of the strings in this file and email it to:
= webmaster@aardvarkind.com
$LNG['g_ip'] = "IP Address"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['edit_delay'] = "Changes to your site's title and URL must be approved by the topsites administrator before taking effect."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['install_mailing_list'] = "If you would like to join the Aardvark Topsites PHP mailing list, enter your email address below. It is a low volume list for important announcements about the script, such as new releases and security advisories."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['join_enter_text_read'] = "Can't read?"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['join_banner_size'] = "(Maximum size: %sx%s)"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['join_error_confirm_password'] = "The passwords did not match."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['join_error_urlbanner'] = "Enter a valid banner. Leave it blank if you do not have one."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['join_error_question'] = "Your answer is incorrect. Please fix this to confirm that you are a real person and not a bot."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['join_approve'] = "Thank you for joining! Your site will be listed when the admin of the topsites list approves it. You will receive an email with more information when your site is approved."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['join_error_top'] = "An error was found in your submission. Please correct this error below."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['join_ban_top'] = "Your submission contains content that has been banned by the topsites administrator."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['join_security'] = "Security"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['join_confirm_password'] = "Confirm Password"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['table_your_site_here'] = "Your Site Here"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['rate_message'] = "Please enter your rating and review for %s in the form below."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['stats_overall'] = "Overall Stats"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['stats_overall_average'] = "Average (Last 10 %s)"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['stats_overall_total'] = "Total (All Time)"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['user_cp_inactive'] = "You cannot access the user control panel until your site has been approved. You will receive an email when your site is approved."; // 5.2.0
// Admin > Approve Edited Members // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_approve_edited_header'] = "Approve Edited Members"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_approve_edited_none'] = "There are no edits waiting to be approved."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_approve_edited_old'] = "Previous Title and URL"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_approve_edited_new'] = "Edited Title and URL"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_approve_edited_reject'] = "Reject"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_approve_edited_done'] = "The changes has been approved."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_approve_rejected_done'] = "The changes has been rejected."; // 5.2.0
// Admin > Backup Database // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_backup_header'] = "Backup Database"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_backup_warn'] = "This will create a backup of your members, stats, and settings. If you have a lot of members, it may take a long time and it may generate a large file."; // 5.2.0
// Admin > Delete Ban // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_del_ban_header'] = "Delete Blacklist Entry"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_del_ban_headers'] = "Delete Blacklist Entries"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_del_ban_done'] = "The blacklist entry has been deleted."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_del_ban_dones'] = "The blacklist entries have been deleted."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_del_ban_warn'] = "Are you sure you want to delete %s from the blacklist?"; //5.2.0
$LNG['a_del_ban_multi'] = "these %s entries"; //5.2.0
$LNG['a_del_ban_invalid_id'] = "Invalid blacklist ID. Please try again."; // 5.2.0
// Admin > Edit Ban // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_edit_ban_header'] = "Edit Blacklist Entry"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_edit_ban_edited'] = "The blacklist entry has been edited."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_main_approve_edit'] = "There is 1 site edit waiting to be approved."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_main_approve_edits'] = "There are %s site edits waiting to be approved."; // 5.2.0
// Admin > Manage Ban // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_man_ban_header'] = "Blacklist"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_man_ban_instructions'] = "To ban sites and users from your topsites list, fill out the form below. When a member joins, the URL, email address, username, and IP address are checked. When a site is edited, the URL and email address are checked.
The blacklist will not affect your existing members."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_man_ban_words_instructions_matching'] = "Exact matching will only match the exact string. Global matching will match anything containing the string. So, global matching of http://www.yahoo.com/ would match any page with http://www.yahoo.com/ in the URL, while exact matching of http://www.yahoo.com/ would only match that exact URL."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_man_ban_string'] = "String"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_man_ban_field'] = "Field"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_man_ban_blacklisted'] = "\"%s\" has been added to the blacklist."; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_menu_approve_edits'] = "Approve Edited Members"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_menu_manage_ban'] = "Blacklist"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_menu_backup'] = "Backup Database"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_header_tools'] = "Tools"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_s_fill_blank_rows'] = "Fill blank rows with a message saying \"{$LNG['table_your_site_here']}\""; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_s_security_question'] = "Security question and answer to block spammers (leave blank to disable) - {$LNG['a_s_help']}"; // 5.2.0
$LNG['a_s_answer'] = "Answer"; // 5.2.0